What researchers really want

What do we want?

Everyone has unique life experiences, needs, and priorities when coming together to form a union. Ultimately we will democratically choose what to bargain for in our contract. Here are the results from a preliminary survey we administered to over 1,000 researchers across NYU:

As part of the union, I would like to negotiate a contract with NYU that (check all that apply): Research Staff PhD Postdoc
Raises minimum salary & guarantees annual salary increases 88% 90% 89%
Expands housing access & affordability 64% 81% 82%
Protects against discrimination, as well as sexual & power-based harassment 69% 80% 71%
Enhances international researcher rights, including tax, visa, & relocation support 59% 73% 76%
Increases family friendly policies (e.g., parental leave, childcare, affordable health care) 63% 66% 77%
Guarantees paid time off & roll over of unused days 70% 69% 65%
Improves health, vision, and dental benefits 60% 78% 64%
Strengthens job security 68% 63% 68%
Increases transparency in administrative policies 64% 74% 59%
Enhances opportunities & time for professional development 64% 63% 63%
Establishes fair retirement benefits 53% 57% 62%
Establishes a fair grievance procedure 51% 61% 54%

How will NYU pay for this?

NYU is one of the wealthiest universities in the country. If it can afford to pay Robert Grossman, dean of the Grossman Medical School $8.8 million a year, and to pay President Linda Mills $1.6 million a year it can afford to pay its workers living wages. NYU has also spent millions of dollars trying to quash our union (despite what NYU would like you to believe, organizing is a legal right and union busting is illegal! Please reach out to someone if you feel like you cannot express support for unions at the workplace!). NYU can afford it!